Corescan is a global services company specialising in the hyperspectral scanning, processing and analysis of drill core, rock chips, blast holes and other geological samples for the exploration, mining and geotechnical industries.
1 January 2018
Corescan for Oil & Gas
Mineralogy in combination with image-based textural classification can provide the opportunity for automated lithological interpretation.
1 January 2018
Corescan for Iron Ore Mining
Corescan in the Hamersley Ranges of Western Australia: A World Class Iron Ore District.
1 January 2018
Integrating Corescan with Core Logging Workflows
Alteration minerals and assemblages offer the explorer important vectors towards mineralization.
1 January 2018
Corescan for Porphyry Copper Exploration
Corescan images from the Copper Basin Cu-Mo porphyry prospect in Arizona, USA.