
Hyperspectral Mineralogy
Consistent core logging and improved identification of complex mineralogy is one of the most important contributors to mineral exploration and mine development. Alteration minerals and their assemblages, and the way they vary with respect to mineralisation, offer important vectors to grade. In exploration, this influences the positioning of drill programs; in mining, ore and gangue are tracked to improve recovery; while textural and mineralogical assemblages reveal key mechanical rock properties leading to improved metallurgy and safer mine engineering.
Corescan’s hyperspectral systems (HyImager and HyLogger) integrate reflectance spectroscopy, core photography and 3D laser profiling to deliver an advanced mineralogical identification and logging solution for use on drill core, rock chips, blast hole samples and a range of other geological material.
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Automated Geotech
Accurate and consistent logging of geotechnical characteristics within an ore deposit is vital to both the mineability and profitability of a mining operation. Corescan’s HyLogger, HyImager and Corephoto-3D systems provide continuous morphological measurements over the core surface which are processed to deliver a comprehensive range of geotechnical parameters including rock quality and rock mass indices. Corescan provides an opportunity to collect geotechnical parameters rapidly and consistently at a scale far greater than traditional manual methods.
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Core Photography
High quality core photos form the base data set for a diverse range of applications, from geological core logging during exploration, to identifying and characterising rock properties during mine development. All core drilled at all stages of the mine cycle is important and deserves to be photographed consistently and at the highest possible resolution to offer maximum value. Corescan provide a range of sensors and processing systems to maximise the quality and utility of your core photos.
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Geological Image Management
Coreshed is a software solution to manage the vast collection of images of drill core, rock chips, blast samples and other geological material acquired over the life of a project. The cloud-based platform provides storage, management and visualisation of core photos, hyperspectral mineral maps and a range of other geological images. Coreshed provides secure, 24/7 access to your entire core image library and associated geological data, streamed at high speed direct to your laptop, smartphone or tablet. All data acquired by Corescan links directly to the Coreshed platform.
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Onsite Laboratories and Bureau Services
Corescan offers both onsite laboratories, for large scale integrated workflows, and centralised bureau services for smaller, ad-hoc characterisation work.
Our onsite laboratory services are optimised to integrate directly with live drilling and logging workflows, and to provide exploration and development programs with near real-time, in-field mineralogical and geotechnical information. All equipment, scanning, processing and operating crews can be provided by Corescan on a turn-key basis.
For small material volumes or for initial characterisation studies, our strategically located bureau facilities allow core to be delivered directly to Corescan for analysis and interpretation.
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