Laurel Stothers (with Dr.Cassady Harraden) will be giving a speed talk that highlights Corescan’s advances in geotechnical data collection and processing: “Adaptive Feature Detection for Improved Measurement of Structural Orientations using Core Imagery”.
Laurel will outline how adaptive feature detection methods have been applied to improve the measurement of structural orientations across various types of drill core. She will demonstrate how Corescan’s innovative approach increases the accuracy of automatically measured structures and provides large quantities of high-quality measurements for robust geological and engineering solutions.
Example of ‘Adaptive Feature Detection’ applied to the measurement of fracture orientations where (a) is an RGB image in which fractures and orientation line (black marker) are displayed; (b) shows calculated uphole and downhole facing surfaces (shown in red and green respectively) as used in automated fracture detection results of adaptive feature detection showing two fractures accurately detected and oriented in space, unaffected by texture and black marker on the drill core surface (as shown in images a and b).