Corescan has developed advanced hyperspectral sensors and data processing technologies that deliver new geological knowledge across the entire exploration and mining value chain.
Corescan’s Hyperspectral Core Imager (HCI) integrates high resolution reflectance spectroscopy, core photography and 3D laser profiling to map mineralogical assemblages and textures, and deliver advanced geological models for greenfield exploration through to ore processing and mine optimization.
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Our Services
Corescan offer both bureau and onsite scanning services covering small scale characterisation studies through to production scale, real-time, at-site operations. Corescan provide an end-to-end, turnkey service covering data acquisition, data processing and interpretation, and our team of experienced geoscientists will work with you to extract maximum value from your data.
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Our Products
Corescan integrates the latest sensor technologies, algorithms and automation systems to acquire and process billions of hyperspectral measurements. Our products include mineral assemblages, mineral textures, compositional indices, geotechnical parameters and ultra-high resolution core photos.
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