Tag: Epithermal
16 June 2018
Domaining Hyperspectral Mineralogy and Geochemistry to Characterize Gold Recovery at Alturas Deposit, El Indio Belt, Chile
RFG 2018: Carmina O Jorquera, Samantha Scher
8 May 2017
Exploraction Mineral Cimiento de la Industria Minera
PROEXPLO 2017: Dr Brigette Martini, Dr Cari Deyell, Dr Ronell Carey, Stewart Redwood, Kevin Heather
1 July 2016
Epithermal Alteration from Core to Deposit Scale Assemblage, Texture and Paragenesis from Hyperspectral Core Imaging
Chile Explore 2016: Dr. Brigette A Martini, Dr. Cari Deyell-Wurst, Dr. Ronell Carey